Southwest Greens proudly presents a revolutionary innovation in organic infill for artificial turf that is safe for pets: K9 Sand. This remarkable product not only boasts a 100% organic composition, but it’s also renewable and carbon-negative, actively absorbing more carbon from the atmosphere than is used for its extraction. Read on to learn more about K9 Sand for Atlanta pet turf!
This carbon-negative property has earned K9 Sand a prestigious negative carbon footprint certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). But that's just the beginning regarding the advantages of using K9 Sand in your turf system.
K9 Sand is recognized for its round, hard uniform grains, carefully selected to enhance performance (see Figure 1). Responsibly harvested from naturally occurring and sustainable deposits on the ocean shelf, K9 Sand ensures environmental sustainability. Southwest Greens utilizes responsible harvesting practices, harvesting less than a small fraction of the total amount renewed each year. This commitment to eco-consciousness ensures that our 100% environmentally friendly and green turf infill remains in balance with nature.

Once you get a bag of our K9 Sand, you'll appreciate its tiny and uniform grain size, which makes installation a breeze. The round and uniform shape of the grains creates tiny voids between neighboring particles, significantly enhancing water drainage. Moreover, the gentle shape of K9 Sand lessens wear and tear on artificial grass fibers over time.
The hardness and dustless nature of K9 Sand guarantee a long-lasting and reliable infill solution. But the advantages do not stop there — K9 Sand also keeps surface of the turf cool. Each grain of K9 Sand is made up of microscopic openings that hold water. As the surface temperature rises, the water in these microscopic openings is released, which provides evaporative cooling and reducing the temperature by approximately 20°F compared to standard turf infills. With its superior bulk density (106 lbs/ft³), K9 Sand ensures maximum ballast, preventing wrinkling and maintaining a flawless appearance.
When it comes to caring for the environment, K9 Sand stands head and shoulders above its competition. It’s non-toxic, free from heavy metals and plastics, and embodies an unyielding devotion to the well-being of our planet. Moreover, K9 Sand offers distinctive features that make it the optimal infill solution for Atlanta artificial grass for pets. It drastically decreases the odor of urine (see Figure 2).

Urine’s odor comes from the volatilization of ammonia. K9 Sand tackles this issue by stopping the c of ammonia in urine. Additionally, K9 Sand stops the growth of bacteria, similar to other turf infills with germ-fighting additives (see Figure 3). These remarkable benefits are achieved without the need for any additives or coatings — K9 Sand is simply extracted from the ocean, thoroughly cleaned, and shipped to your doorstep.

With its environmentally conscious and carbon-negative nature, exceptional water drainage, cooling effect, and pet-safe qualities, K9 Sand represents a revolutionary choice for your artificial turf system. Experience the difference that our commitment to quality and sustainability can make in enhancing your outdoor spaces. Book a no-cost consultation today!